How to Make a Change that STICKS


A New Year, a new slate, a new you. Sound familiar?

It’s that time of year again where the motivation is high and the Dopamine is flowing. Let me start out by saying, if you use the word “resolution” – you may be one of those people who don’t stick to them. Regardless, gyms will fill up then become ghost towns, books will get purchased and forgotten about, and healthy foods will collect mold in the fridge. Don’t become a statistic this year; maybe this will help.

How to Make a CHANGE that STICKS:

Change has to pass 1 of 2 tests for it to happen; your intellectual inflection point (your mind), or your emotional inflection point (your heart). If your goal, change, or “resolution” sounds like a good idea, your mind says “YES” and sparks a burst of motivation and you’re off to the races. Days, weeks, or months later motivation plummets and you’re back to square one – but why?! Because you can’t count on your mind to make a lifestyle change. Ever notice how we can change our minds many times about one thing; but once we have a “change of heart” it’s usually final? That’s because the “change of heart” reached your emotional inflection point and when that happens, shit gets real! 🙂

Real change, sustainable change, lifestyle change – must come from something beyond “it’s a good idea” or “I know this is good for me”. So, how do we make a change that sticks? You have to have an uncomfortable, truthful, no-bullshit dialog with yourself. You have to peel back every layer between your goal and the purpose of your goal. You must ask “Why do I want this change?”  Why, why, why? Answer it, then ask it again, and again – until the answers invades that insecure zone we all have. When the change you want makes sense to your heart, it’ll be worth chasing and the chances for change actually sticking become greater, much greater.

Here’s an example with a popular goal:

“I want to work out more this year” – Why?
“Because I want to lose weight” – Why?
“Because I want to look better” – Why?
“Because I want to be more confident” – Why?
“Because I want to feel better about myself” – Why?
“Because I want a better quality of life” – Why?…

When you can’t answer “Why” any longer, take a second to realize what it really is that you want.  The goal in this example is working out, but the change is feeling better and living a higher quality of life. That purpose is deep, it taps into your emotional inflection point.  Yes we all know working out is good for you, but once we find out WHY we want it – and if that’s truly important to you – you’ll find a way to make that change.

Change starts with why.

Have a life changing 2014 everyone!



(photo credit)

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